12912437_111446102589309_500483636_nYes,girls exist on this earth,rather co-exist with men,plants, and animals,and whatever you think grows on this planet;and their issues are as real as studying a plant’s mitochondria or global warming,and the love people hold for glaciers.
One of the things that top the taboo list is the menstrual cycle. We all know what it is;and if you are a guy reading this,go watch the lovely people of Buzz Feed and they will explain it to you. So,when we all acknowledge that this is something real,so why do we hide it!

I am not going to criticise our society or go on into the stigmas that it associate with it .

Anyhow , this article is for fellow shredders (if you know what I mean).
We have evolved and so has our technique of blocking the blood flow every month (my iPhone has saved it as Niagara falls;now you know what I call it)! We have evolved from sanitary pads to tampons and the cup.

I believe I wanted to share this with the fellow shredders or the new ones, what I think someone should have told me before I got my period or the first time I used a tampon.
If thrashing your kids about their grades is important,so is the part where you tell and discuss menstrual cycle,and the crap that comes with it,sex and hormones ,and so on. All these things are really important ,so that kids make the right decisions, that they are aware of what exactly is sexual harassment ,and why are they shredders,and how to stay away from STD’s.
Yes, take my advice when your kids are shocked and depressed,dying from Syphilis.

Without delay here is my list of what I should have been told before I got my period and before I used a tampon:

  • That it is okay not to use a plastic applicator.
  • That if you use a tampon instead of a pad ,you would not really have bad cramps ( yes that is true)!
  • That you should not hide your tampon in your sleeves,there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • That borrowing a pad/tampon is the universal signifier of sisterhood ( made that up)!
  • That you do not have to freak out if you stain your clothes.
  • That you will be judged if you ask for tampons at your local grocery store.

Here is what I learnt on my own and for all for the fellow shredders:

  • That exercising helps you relieve cramps (unless you decide to leak and some person at your gym decides to tell you that you are leaking while you have your legs in the air; do not run away! It is all normal,happens to all).
  • That you do not care what the guy at the local grocery store thinks,you just want what you came for!
  • That tampons are perfectly safe and easy to use,less harm for the environment too,and you save money!
  • That your plans should not revolve around your period date . Do whatever you want to;of hiking on your second day. Big deal!
  • That Toxic Shock Syndrome is a real thing.
  • Discuss your issues,with your friends without being ashamed of anything . It is high time girl you break the patriarchal chains.
    Do whatever you want;lie like a log,jog or work. Menstruation ,tampons should no longer be a taboo in any society . Feel empowered and feel free to ask questions ;because that is an essential part of growing up!
